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The School Day

Doors open at 8.50am (8.30am from September 2024).

Registration is at 9am (8.35 - 8.40am from September 2024).

The school day ends at 3.10pm.

The children have a morning break at 10.45 – 11am and lunchtime is 12.15pm – 1.15pm.

Our children attend school for 30.8 hours / week (increasing to 32.5 hours / week from September 2024)


Breakfast Club is available from 7.50am (there is a charge).

There are a range of After School Clubs run at the school for children in years 1&2. These are run by outside organisations and there is a charge.

Mondays Tennis

Tuesdays Drama

Wednesdays MultiSports

Thursdays Dance

Fridays Taekwondo

Fetcham Kids Club collect children from Fetcham Village Infant School and walk them to Oakfield Junior School where they run After School care. Details available from