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Our Values

We have our own carefully designed 6 values, which are inter-linked and explicitly taught to children to accompany British values. Children are taught how these values will enable them to thrive within school, and in their later lives. Each child will be supported to understand they are imperative attributes.

Let us explain to you about our Values and why we have chosen them:

We are kind

In order to support children to be emotionally literate, to love themselves and love others, we take the opportunity to teach the children the importance of being kind. We model this importance by letting the children experience how we can show kindness for them. We teach the children skills and strategies to show kindness and discuss how we can care for different people in different ways.

We are honest

It is our role as teachers at Fetcham Village Infant School to teach children the difference between an imaginative story, and a lie with unkind intentions. Explaining and exploring these differences with children can help them to understand what lying is, and why it is wrong, and this understanding underpins other activities which help to develop honesty.

We are curious

At Fetcham Village Infant School, we make the most of every opportunity to nurture children's natural curiosity and children are encouraged to explore and question the world around them. By developing children's questioning and investigative skills, they learn to look a little deeper and engage with their surroundings in a more meaningful way. 

We try our best

Learning is not supposed to be easy. We all have different skills and attributes and need to challenge ourselves in different ways. At Fetcham Village Infant School we encourage children to face these challenges with confidence and an attitude to learn and improve. By trying our best, we can feel proud of all our achievements.  

We are brave

 In an ever-demanding world, children at Fetcham Village Infant School will be taught how courage and determination can support their own growth and development. A key responsibility of the staff is to challenge the children but support them when they make mistakes. Children will therefore understand that mistakes help us learn and grow for the better.

We work well together

We want to help the children at Fetcham Village Infant School realise how working alongside others with a teamwork approach is truly a wonderful experience. In order to do this, children will firstly be taught to appreciate their own value to others, then identify and value other children's assets. Learning at Fetcham Village Infant School is a collaborative process, routed in effective and positive communication. Co-operation goes beyond this and extends the children's social skills further.