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Otters Class

Mr McGovern
Mrs Davies, Mrs Holman, Mrs Duffy, Mrs Vata

Welcome to Year Two and Otters class.


Wow, what a fantastic end of year that was in Year Two! 

In English we have had lots of fun while learning to write letters. We looked at the differences between formal and informal letters and then decided to write a letter of our own. Knowing that we would very soon be leaving the school, we felt it would be nice to write a letter to the new members of our class. The children in our classrooms next year will open their letters on their first day and see a letter from us - what a lovely surprise!

In Maths we have been learning about position and direction, remembering our left and right, but also extending our vocabulary too. Directing our friends from one place to another using terms such as forwards, backwards, over and under, we had great fun! We also learnt about statistics and now understand how they can be used to find out interesting facts. Then we collected our own data and presented our findings.

A lot of our work this half-term has been around preparing ourselves for our journey ahead. We have been learning about change in PSHE, thinking about how we change physically and emotionally. We know that we should feel proud of our achievements and celebrate what we are good at. There will always be things that we would like to get better at. Our hopes and dreams for the future are just as important to recognise too!

Our Leavers Assembly was absolutely fantastic! We learnt a dance to the song 'Footprints in the Sand', learnt the words to 'You've Got a Friend in Me' and 'A Million Dreams' and reflected on our enjoyable time here at Fetcham Village Infant School. We all did such an amazing job performing for our families, by using big loud singing voices and even using a microphone! Lots of parents commented on how wonderful we all were - our teachers thought we were too. We were so good that we were even asked to do an encore at the end!

Our Leavers Day was just as exciting. In the morning, we went to the Fetcham Village Infants Year Two Water Park! We absolutely loved it! We had a go on a water slide, had a water fight and went to the splash park. We all got soaking wet (including the teachers) but had so much fun! When we got warm and dry, we had films and popcorn in our classrooms. The afternoon was spent playing in Reception and spending time with our friends.

Lastly, there was the Leavers Disco. We all wore our best clothes and looked very smart. Showing our best dance moves, even the teachers were amazed at what we could do! Having a break in between, we enjoyed drinks and snacks from the PTA - thank you!

This truly has been the most wonderful year in Year Two. The teachers are so very proud of how hard you have worked and have loved seeing you all flourish. We are so very sure that your futures are bright and that you will go on to achieve great things. Your new class teachers are very lucky to have you. Good luck and very well done Year Two!


We have had another very busy half-term in Year Two. We are just one more half-term from leaving Fetcham Infants and have certainly made this one count!

One of the main highlights was a school trip to Brooklands Museum. We had already learnt about how transport has changed over the years in our History lessons - but we got to see the history of transport with our very own eyes! On our school trip, we visited the Brooklands Aircraft Factory where we were able to design and make aircraft of our own. We stepped on board the Sultan of Oman's plane and tasted a little bit of luxury. Whilst visiting the London Bus Museum we got to experience how travelling by bus has changed over the years and even stepped into the future by having an opportunity to sit on an electric bus. A particular favourite was the Motoring Village, where we were able to touch, see and smell a wide range of racing cars (including Formula One), motorbikes and cycles. A great day had by all and some very valuable learning experiences too.

In English we decided to write about our experiences at Brooklands and persuade others to visit too. Using the context of a leaflet, we designed, wrote and illustrated some fantastic leaflets to encourage more visitors there.

We have also had a busy time in our Maths lessons too. Once we had developed our understanding of measurement, we went on to learn about fractions of shapes and numbers. We are now comfortable identifying different fractions and have even been introduced to what an equivalent fraction is. 

In Science, we have been learning more about ourselves and other living things. We understand what living things need and appreciate what different living things need to stay alive. Furthering our knowledge of biology, we learnt about the different types of food and can now explain what is meant by a balanced diet. With health always at the forefront of our minds, we researched how exercise can affect our health. Working scientifically, we planned, conducted and concluded an investigation as to how different forms of exercise can affect our bodies. 

In Computing we have enjoyed using the Purple Mash programs to compose musical digital tunes. We can use different features to edit and improve our tunes and select different digital instruments.

In PSHE, we have developed our understanding of families and have discussed at length what is important in a family. We understand that families may look different, but we have a shared appreciation for what a successful family has. 

Furthering our knowledge of Islam in RE, we enjoyed learning more about how Muslims worship and why they worship. Related to our learning in PSHE, we have learnt about what is important to Muslim families and how Muslim families share similarities and differences with our own. 

In our Design Technology lessons we have really enjoyed learning about different types of fruit and vegetables. Having tasted different salads, we then went on to make our very own coleslaw! Using our cutting, peeling and grating skills, we made some restaurant-worthy produce!

This has been an incredibly busy half-term and we are so proud of how you are all maturing. We are very much looking forward to some exciting challenges over our last half-term and lots of celebrations too!

Please see what we are looking forward to learning about next half-term below:



We have now come to the end of ANOTHER very busy half-term in Year Two. 

Reading has been celebrated in many different ways this half-term. We enjoyed our wonderful World Book Day, dressing up in many different costumes and celebrating some fantastic book characters. We enjoyed taking part in lots of reading activities, even going on a mystery treasure hunt!

We spent much of the half-term learning about fairy tales, then reading some very interesting and funny twisted tales. Learning about the different types of punctuation, sentence structure, adverbs and description helped us to then plan, write and improve our very own twisted tale innovation. We absolutely loved reading them to our partners! Our teachers really enjoyed reading them too!

In Maths, we have been developing our knowledge of multiplication and division. We can now group and share objects and understand how we can draw arrays to help us work out multiplication questions. Working on our problem-solving skills, we have begun our journey to complete two-step word problems and use our reasoning skills to argue why we think something is correct or incorrect. More recently, we have studied measurement, and explored the ways in which we can measure height, length, mass and weight. Using the correct equipment such as rulers and scales, we can now measure accurately, in units such as centimetres, metres, grams and kilograms. Applying our knowledge of number, we have compared the weight of objects by measuring accurately too.

In Science, we have been learning about plants and developing our knowledge of what plants need to stay healthy. We understand that some plants can survive without certain things, such as those in desserts and in icy environments. In order to further develop our knowledge, we enjoyed planning and carrying out an investigation. We found some interesting results and our predictions were correct! 

In Geography, we have been exploring the similarities and differences between the Arctic and Antarctic. We understand what it would be like to live there and what wildlife we might see if we were to visit. We have learnt about the life of Marco Polo and how his achievements have inspired other explorers.

In History, we have been building our knowledge of air travel and looked at the life and accomplishments of Amy Johnson. We plotted her route across the world and discussed the many challenges she would have faced along her way. We have been inspired by her achievements!

In PE, we have enjoyed using our bodies to move to music. Working with our partners, we devised and performed a dance using shadow movement, working at different heights and moving smoothly between one stance and another. 

This has truly been an exceptional half-term in Year two. We have so much to look forward to next half-term, with a trip to Brooklands museum! Have a fantastic Easter break. Get lots of rest and be ready for what we have in store for next half-term! Well done! 

Please see what we are looking forward to learning about next half-term below:



Congratulations Year Two on completing another very busy and action packed half-term! 

In English we started with a very detailed read of Gorilla by Anthony Browne. We explored the wonderful illustrations and vocabulary within the text, making inferences and asking inference questions to our partners. Then we demonstrated our comprehension skills by asking and answering questions about the book. By sequencing the events of the story, we explained how key events impacted on the eachother. We loved innovating the story with our own ideas, using ideas from other texts to inspire us! Using adverbs in our writing, we enjoyed rewriting the story in our own way.

Following this, we explored the different types of sentences, such as commands, statements, exclamations and questions. We now know how to use these sentence types to engage our readers. Whilst reading the story of The Bear Under the Stairs, we learnt to write letters, write in role and respond to a letter. We looked at non-fiction and fictional sources to distinguish between fact and fiction, producing an information text on Bears.

In Maths we have been developing our knowledge of shape, by comparing and sorting 2D and 3D shapes. Learning how to use vocabulary such as vertices, faces, edges and sides to describe the properties of these shapes has helped to secure our understanding.

We then progressed to deepen our understanding of money, using a range of coins and notes. We learnt how to identify the different coins and notes, then used our knowledge of addition and subtraction to make a total. We completed our work on money by learning how to calculate change.

Ending the half term, we started our learning journey on multiplication and division. We now understand how we can group items together to make multiplication easier and the relationship between repeated addition and multiplication. We can't wait to develop our understanding even more next half term!

In Science, we have continued our work on understanding the wonderful world around us by studying living things. Learning about MRS GREN helped us grasp how living things have certain characteristics! We explored our school environment and hunted for different habitats, identifying how these habitats would suit different living things. 

In Geography we have extended our awareness of the wider world by learning about the Antarctica and Sahara. We were able to compare these destinations by discussing what is able to live and thrive there.

In History we have enjoyed learning about the Wright brothers and now understand the challenges they had. We also understand how their achievements have impacted modern day travel. We were detectives and studied evidence, critically analysing the validity of different sources.

We are now half way through our time in Year Two and have been celebrating our many achievements we have made already. We can't wait for the second half of the year and what learning we will achieve!

Please see what we are looking forward to learning about next half-term below:


Wow, what an exciting and fun-filled second half-term in Year Two!

In English, we have been furthering our understanding of fiction texts. We have been focusing on our reading skills and reading with greater fluency. This has supported us with our comprehension, as we are now more confident asking and answering questions about books we have read. We have also been introduced to inferences and are now able to look for clues within text and illustrations.

In Maths we have been very busy! We understand that addition and subtraction can be done in many different ways. We have explored lots of hands-on resources and can use written methods too. We have compared different number sentences and shown that we understand the relationship between addition and subtraction.

In Science, we conducted our own investigation. There was lots of planning to do, thinking about health and safety and how to make a fair test. We enjoyed working as part of a team to carry out the investigation and then comparing our results with the rest of the class.  Materials really are all around us, and we are now able to compare them, by choosing suitable ones to match a purpose.

We have been very creative in Art and Design Technology this half-term. We have used different paint and techniques to create an effect, such as watercolour. Choosing the most suitable resources, we then added detail to make our artwork more appealing to our audience. In Design Technology we have had great fun with lots of festive projects, including a clay Christmas tree and using folding techniques to make a Christmas card.

In Geography, we now have a secure understanding of Kampong Ayer and how the lives of people there compare to ours. This has supported our understanding of the world around us, including our lives here in Fetcham.

It has been a busy History half-term, with lots of learning about key events, such as Remembrance Day and the Gunpowder Plot. We have used our detective skills to find out a little more about these occasions and shown how we can remember those who have lost their lives to a cause. 

Our learning in RE has helped us further understand the Nativity story. We understand why it is such an important time for Christians and how they worship Jesus. We really enjoyed visiting the local church and celebrating with our Christmas songs!

PE has been very active, with lots of movement to music and developing our ability to move on and across a range of equipment in gymnastics. 

It really has been a very busy and fun-filled half-term, with great progress in our learning and understanding of the world around us. We even visited the Natural History Museum and learnt about how we can take care of our oceans! Our half-term finished with lots of festive activities. Our Year Two performance of 'The Innkeepers' was outstanding. We all learnt our lines, performed them using our big loud voices, sang our songs beautifully and made our audience laugh! Very well done Year Two, what a great first term!

Please see what we are looking forward to learning about next half term:


We have had a very exciting first half-term in Year Two!

In English we have been studying the diary of Samuel Pepys. This linked very well to our history learning, all about the key events of the Great Fire of London. We read different diary entries and then recreated one of our own. We used description (adjectives and expanded noun phrases) to engage our audience. As part of National Poetry Day, we learnt about the different types of poetry. We used the theme of ‘Refuge’ to create an acrostic poem and then learnt about calligrams. Using our knowledge of verbs, we created our own autumnal calligram. Some of us described the leaves falling from the trees and the rain pattering onto the wet grass.

In Maths we have been extending our knowledge of place value. We now understand how we can use number bonds to help us solve problems. We can count in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s and partition numbers in different ways.

In Science, we used our knowledge of different materials to discuss the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling. We want to take care of our world and know that these are great ways to do this.

In Design Technology we have been exploring different materials and their uses. We have been investigating how finger puppets are made and have been designing and making our own. To help us with this, we have learnt how to sew using a running stitch.

In PE we have been learning how to travel in different ways using low and high apparatus. We have used our imagination to move our bodies in different ways along the apparatus.

In Geography we have been learning about Kampong Ayer and comparing how people live their lives there. We have spotted similarities and differences between how we live our own lives.

We have really enjoyed our first half-term in year two. We are working more independently and showing greater resilience in our learning. We understand that it is OK to make mistakes, as they help us learn.

Please see what we are looking forward to next half-term below:



We started our year by learning about our rights and responsibilities and explored what we can do to make our class a brilliant and thriving community. We made our class Learning Charter which helps remind us of what we can do to help ourselves and others to enjoy our time in school.

In English, we have read the Pirates Next Door by Jonny Duddle. We sequenced the story using a story map, then used drama to perform events in the story to our class. We learnt how to make our writing exciting and innovated the story, becoming authors ourselves and rewriting a short section of the story. We are looking forward to learning about the diary of Samuel Pepys and will be writing a short diary piece of our own.

In Maths, we have been developing our knowledge of number and place value. We have been learning how to partition numbers and use our reasoning skills to help solve mathematical problems. 

We have very much enjoyed learning about the different materials in our world in Science and exploring different fabrics in Design Technology. We have been keeping very active in our PE lessons, using dance to express ourselves and exploring how we can work as a team when playing games. 

Welcome to Year Two Presentation

Please see our learning web below for more information on our learning. Thank you for visiting!

Please see Mr McGovern if you would like any more information on our curriculum.



Please do contact our Year 2 Lead, Mr McGovern via the school office if you would like any more information on our Year 2 curriculum. 


Follow these links to support your children's learning at home:

White Rose 1 Minute Maths

Purple Mash

BBC Bitesize Year Two

Read, Write Inc Phonics