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Our school intent for the curriculum is taught under the ‘umbrella’ of our CLOVER principles.

At Fetcham Village Infant School children have knowledge and understanding of people, events and contexts from a range of historical periods including significant events in Britain’s past and that of the wider world. They can identify similarities and differences between ways of life at different times and where they fit into a chronological framework. Children have opportunities to investigate and interpret the past by gathering information from a variety of sources including the local area, Museums (where they are able to handle artefacts) and from experts e.g. education staff from Chertsey Museum. History encourages children’s curiosity to ask questions. They think critically, reflect, discuss and communicate ideas confidently.

We do this by

  • Giving clear guidance on the coverage of the History National Curriculum
  • Identifying the key knowledge and skills of each series of lessons 
  • Ensuring there is clear progression across year groups and that sequences of lessons take account of prior learning and develop it further
  • Ensuring the learning intention for each lesson is informed by the National Curriculum (2014) and children are guided towards this within each lesson through the use of success criteria
  • Ensuring planning is based on a thorough understanding of children’s needs combined with high expectations 
  • Using assessment for learning to plan for next steps
  • Specifically planning for cross curricular outcomes with strong links between the History curriculum and English 
  • Considering how greater depth will be taught, learnt and demonstrated
  • Fully take advantage the local area to achieve the desired outcomes with extensive opportunities for learning outside the classroom embedded in practice
  • Putting learning into the context of the ‘big picture’ of history

Outcomes in topic and literacy books evidence a broad and balanced history curriculum and demonstrate the children’s acquisition and understanding of identified key knowledge and skills. At the end of each topic children discuss what they have learnt, compared to their starting points.


Please do contact Miss Sebastian for further information on our History curriculum.