Hedgehogs Class
Miss Sebastian
Miss Mihalop and Mrs Higgleton
Welcome to Hedgehogs class page.
Wow! What a final term we have had in Year 1! So much learning and fun was had by all. The highlight for many being our trip down to Leatherhead Library and Museum. We all enjoyed learning about what the library is for and decorating birds for a display as well as getting a hands-on experience in the Museum about how people used to live.
In English, we have looked at the books, Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers and The Fish Who Could Wish by John Bush. These books have continued to help us with our sentence writing, including capital letters, finger spaces and full stops, as well as learning how to do a book review and how to extend our writing. We have also looked at poetry and even made up our own nonsense poems which were sent to Leatherhead library prior to our trip to be displayed for all to see.
In Maths, we started the term by learning all about halves and quarters, both in shapes and within positional language. We have also continued to become more confident with our numbers to 100, including counting backwards and forwards and saying what is one more or less than. We finished the term by learning about money and time, including o’clock and half past.
Our computing learning has helped us to understand what algorithms are, and we had a go at making objects move by programming them with coding blocks.
In Science, we continued our learning of materials. We did a lot of predicting and testing of materials to prove whether they are absorbent, waterproof and/or tough.
Geography learning has focussed on the seaside. How it is different and/or similar to other places and what sort of things happen there. Our History learning has helped us to understand what an explorer is and how to explain what ‘beyond living memory’ is.
Our RE learning has taught us about how precious our world is and how we need to care for and look after it.
In PE, we enjoyed taking part in Sports Day, learning a variety of running and novelty races. We have also continued to improve our running, jumping and throwing movements.
Nature sculptures have been the focal point for our summer Art learning, which means we have had a go at creating little land sculptures and big build sculptures in our outside area using the work of Andy Goldsworthy for inspiration. We have had lots of fun in DT making dips and explaining what the food hygiene rules are.
Music has focused on learning about different sounds and beats and PSHE has looked at what makes us all unique and special.
We hope everyone has an enjoyable summer holiday, and we wish everyone the best of luck for their next adventure in Year 2.
The Year 1 Team
The summer term is well and truly underway, and it has been nice to have the sunshine showing its face once again. We have been so busy continuing to improve our independent skills in preparation for Year 2. In English, we have looked at the books, The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson, The Big Book of Bugs by Yuval Zommer and The Man on the Moon by Simon Bartrum. These books have helped us with our sentence writing, including capital letters, finger spaces and full stops, as well as learning how to use commas in a list and question marks for a question. We have also used The Big Book of Bugs to help us learn facts and information and the difference between a fiction and a non-fiction book.
In Maths, we started the term by learning all about measuring height and length using non-standard objects to measure as well as centimetres on a ruler. We also learnt about mass, objects being heavier or lighter and volume, containers being full or empty. We then moved on to counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and learning how to write repeated addition number sentences.
Our computing learning has helped us to understand what animation is, and we even had a go at creating our own stories with sound and movement.
In Science, we have started to look at materials. We have learnt the difference between a material and its properties as well as beginning to test those properties for things like absorbency and making sure the materials used suit their purpose.
Geography learning has focussed on the seaside. How it is different and/or similar to other places and what sort of things happen there. Our History learning has helped us to understand what an explorer is and how to explain what ‘beyond living memory’ is.
Our RE learning has continued to teach us about the Jewish faith, including a trip to the local synagogue which was interesting and exciting.
In PE, we have spent time improving our throwing and catching skills as well as learning a country dance for the Mayfair.
Nature sculptures have been the focal point for our summer Art learning, which means we have had a go at sculpting a natural object out of clay and doing an observational drawing of one. We had lots of fun in DT tasting different dips and dippers and explaining which one we liked the best and why.
Music has focused on learning about different sounds and beats and PSHE has looked at friendship and respect towards ourselves and others.
We hope everyone has a happy and restful half-term, and we look forward to seeing you for the final term of Year 1!
The Year 1 Team
Please see below for Summer 2 Learning web:
With the signs of spring in the air, we come to the end of another busy term in Year 1. The highlight for this term, has to be our trip to Gatton Park where we investigated animal skulls, fish, eggs, feathers and much more from a variety of animals, as well as going on a flower hunt and pretending to be bees collecting pollen. It was such a beautiful day, and we all loved exploring in the sunshine.
Back in school, our English work has continued to focus on writing clear sentences with capital letters, full stops and finger spaces, as well as using adjectives to describe and connectives to join ideas. The two books we used to help us achieve this were ‘What did the Tree See’ by Charlotte Guillain and ‘Goldilocks and Just the One Bear’ by Leigh Hodgkinson.
In Maths, we have been looking at number bonds to 20, doubling and more and fewer. We have also looked at patterns in number sentences for example, knowing that 3+4=7 so 13+4=17. Finally, we looked at numbers to 50 and learnt that a number has so many tens and ones and how and where it can be placed on a number line.
Our unit of work for Science has looked at plants, including trees and learning how to name the parts. We even had a go at planting and caring for cress seeds, understanding that a plant needs light, warmth and water to grow.
Our Geography and History learning has been about hot and cold climates and the explorer Captain Scott, who travelled to the Antarctic over 100 years ago. We talked about how he was able to do it and sequenced the events in order.
In RE, we talked about what Christians can learn from the stories of Jesus as well as what happened at Easter. Music has been focused on pitch and PSHE has been about being healthy and safe.
We have continued to explore different ways of moving in PE and Dance, including rocking and rolling and making our own dance based on 'Jack and the Beanstalk' story.
Our Art learning has focused on the artists Monet, Van Gogh and Metzinger. We have attempted to replicate these artist’s styles of work by painting different landscapes and cityscapes. In DT, we have used traditional tales to help us understand mechanisms and have made pictures with sliders, levers and wheels.
Finally, our computing learning has taught us about algorithms and how important it is to plan and follow a set of instructions correctly.
Have a wonderful Easter holiday!
Please see below for Summer 1 Learning web:
What a start to 2024 Year 1 has had! We have been so busy with our learning and improving our independent skills. In English, we have looked at the books, Emily Brown and the Elephant Emergency by Cressida Cowell and The Adventures of Egg Box Dragon by Richard Adams. These books have helped us with our sentence writing, including capital letters, finger spaces and full stops, as well as using adjectives to describe places, characters and feelings. We have also practised sequencing stories and understanding that a good story has a beginning, middle and end.
In Maths, we have focused on numbers 11-20, understanding that teen numbers are made up of one, ten and a number of ones. We have used practical resources, including ten frames and number lines, to help us do this. We have also learnt about more and less than as well as ordering numbers from smallest to greatest and vice versa. Our computing learning has supported our understanding of this as we have been collecting and recording data on a pictogram, which in turn has led us to interpret the results, including recognising which is the most or least popular.
In Science and Geography, we have been looking at seasonal changes and discussing what the weather is like during winter. We have been on winter walks and had a go at presenting the weather like a real weather reporter. We even made our own wind socks to test the wind strength and a rain gauge to observe how much rain fell over the course of a week.
Back in January, we had a visit from Chertsey Museum, who bought a selection of old toys for us to explore to support our history learning. We listened carefully to the visitors and then were able to have a play with the toys. It was lots of fun to get a real hands-on experience.
Our RE learning has helped us to understand that books can be special to people for different reasons, including the Torah for Jewish people.
In PE, we have participated in lots of team games and learnt the skills of attacking and defending in a game of basketball. We have also improved our balancing skills on both small parts (points) and large parts (patches) of our bodies.
Monet and Vincent van Gogh have been the artists we have focused on for our Art learning, which means we have had a go at painting landscapes and cityscapes in their style. In DT, we have been learning about mechanisms and created a picture with a slider and one with a lever.
Music has focused on learning about different pitch levels and PSHE has looked at having a positive attitude and being motivated to set a goal and achieve it.
We hope everyone has a happy and restful half-term, and we look forward to seeing you afterwards ready to learn again!
The Year 1 Team
Please see below for Spring 2 Learning web:
Wow! What an exciting term we have had in Year 1! The children have been extremely busy and enjoyed lots of different activities. Our books for our English learning this term have been Peace at Last by Jill Murphy, Not Now Bernard by David McKee and What the Ladybird Heard at Christmas by Julia Donaldson. The children have enjoyed writing in speech bubbles, using adjectives to describe characters and learning how to use connectives to join two ideas together. In Maths, we have learnt how to subtract both on a numberline and by crossing out as well as common 2d and 3d shapes. Our Science learning this term has focused on animals and which group they belong to, as well as sorting and comparing them based on their features. We also learnt the words carnivore/herbivore and omnivore and what that means. In PE, we have learnt the basics of hockey as well as jumping, balancing and ball skills. Our Geography and History has focused on learning the importance of Bonfire Night, Remembrance Sunday and the Nativity Story and what they mean to us today. Computing has helped us improve our mouse and keyboard skills by logging in to purple mash to sort and group different objects. We have been very creative this term and have woven paper bags, made owls from clay, as well as a variety of Christmas decorations and crafts. Last but not least, we all put our acting hats on and performed a magical Christmas play. We worked very hard learning our words and the songs to retell the story of the First Christmas. We wish everyone a Happy and healthy Christmas, and we will see you in the New Year ready for some more fun and learning.
Please see below for spring 1 Learning website :
Our first half-term in Year 1 has been fun-packed and exciting! To help us with our English learning, we have used a variety of texts including ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ by Ronda and David Armitage as well as poetry book ‘Nature Trail’ by Benjamin Zephaniah and ‘We’re going to find the Monster’ by Malorie Blackman which also links into our learning about Black History Month which takes place during October. In Maths, we have been learning to use the part/part/whole model to help us identify relationships between numbers. We have also started to learn our number bonds to ten as well as how to accurately add two numbers together. Our Geography learning has focused on naming the four countries that make up the United Kingdom, and we have continued our studies on Mary Anning in History. We have had lots of fun in our Science lessons learning all about our 5 senses. There have been listening walks, smelling investigations and tasting experiments to name a few! RE has looked at how Harvest is celebrated across the world, and we have regularly visited the computer room to log in to Purple Mash. Our Art learning has involved learning some basic sewing skills, and we have continued to be active in both Games and Dance. We look forward to our next half-term in Year 1!
Here are some photos of our learning so far...
Please see below for Autumn 2's learning web...
Welcome to Year 1!
The children have settled really well and are happy and keen for all the exciting new learning that we will cover in Year 1.
We have already had a busy start to the term. In English, we have been focusing on writing labels, using the book 'Dangerous' by Tim Warnes and practising our sentence writing by remembering capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. In Maths, we have been counting forwards and backwards to 10 as well as counting amounts of objects from a larger group. We have begun to look at the palaeontologist Mary Anning in History and had a go at digging for bones in the sand. In RE, we are discussing if prayer is important for everyone and what it means to us. We had lots of fun cutting out a loom in Art and weaving paper strips through it as well as starting to make our own bunting flag in DT. We have also had a visit to the computer room and library and will begin to log in and share books together as the term goes on.
Please see below for this half-term's learning web.
Please see Miss Sebastian if you would like any more information on our curriculum.
Please do contact our Year 1 Lead, Miss Sebastian, via the school office if you would like any more information on our Year 1 curriculum.
Follow these links to support your children's learning at home: