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Our intent for our Computing curriculum is that children are enthused by using technology. They can use computational thinking in a creative way and problem solve. They can identify the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology in a way that ensures that they are confident and responsible internet technology users. They know how to keep themselves safe online and what to do when faced with potential risks. They learn how to be mindful of how their behaviour and actions online may affect other people. Computing at Fetcham Village Infant School equips the children with the knowledge and skills to create, program, problem-solve and research.

Children begin their journey with technology in Early Years, where they use the interactive whiteboard and computers. We follow the Purple Mash scheme which provides coverage in line with the National Curriculum. It provides the progression of skills needed to use technology in a useful and safe way. Children are encouraged to take risks (excluding when it comes to their safety) and be curious. Children are offered opportunities in a variety of other subjects to explore and make use of technology. They are also encouraged to use technology at home, through homework, to reinforce what they have learnt and to illustrate how technology can be used for a variety of purposes. 

The impact of our Computing curriculum is that children will be confident and safe users of technology. They will have a secure understanding of the advantages of technology, how it can be used and also the risks. They will have developed the skills to program, ‘debug’ and create and evaluate their own work.

Please do contact Mr Sharp through the school office if you would like more information on our Computing curriculum.

For more information on Computing, or for activities to try at home please click on the following links: